Cory Paulsen: Cory, the RAO Director, retired as a Lieutenant Commander after serving as an Intelligence Officer after 30 years.
Chris Kulseth: Chris served in the Navy for 26 years as an Intelligence Specialist. He retired in 2025 as a Master Chief and was deployed twice to Iraq, as well as the United Kingdom, Japan, and Korea. He now works full time for the Navy Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) as a federal employee in a construction management role.
Charles Taft: Charles served 20 years in the Navy as a Hull Technician, retiring in 2003 as a Petty Officer Second Class from the Navy Reserves. During his active duty, he was stationed in San Francisco, San Diego, Norfolk, and aboard the USS Springfield in the Mediterranean, with reserve assignments to various units including the USS Reeves and Subase Pearl Harbor. Now retired, he volunteers at the Retired Activities Office.
Tom Thelen: Tom served in the Navy as a Reactor Operator (ET) from 1980 to 2000, retiring as a Chief Petty Officer (ETC(SW)). Mostly a West coast sailor, serving on the USS Bainbridge and the Carl Vinson. Currently retired from Xcel Energy and immersed in numerous projects.
Don Goble: Don, the Assistant RAO Director, served in the Navy as an Intelligence Specialist from 1999 to 2020, retiring as a Petty Officer First Class. Though he spent most of his career as a reservist, he mobilized to Afghanistan with U.S. Special Operations Command. Now semi-retired from nuclear power and healthcare consulting, he stays actively engaged in various endeavors.
Michelle Goble: Michelle is the RAO Communications Coordinator, bringing a wealth of public relations and marketing expertise to the team. She’s a civilian—but we don’t hold that against her!
What We Do
The Navy Retired Activities Office (RAO) provides support and assistance to retired Navy personnel, their families, and surviving spouses. It serves as a bridge between the retired community and the Navy, ensuring retirees stay informed about their benefits, entitlements, and services. Key functions of the RAO include:
Information and Referrals:
Offering guidance on retirement pay, survivor benefits, medical entitlements, and other resources.
Acting as a voice for retirees in communicating concerns and feedback to the Navy leadership.
Helping with administrative tasks, such as updating records, navigating VA benefits, and processing forms related to military status.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Encouraging retirees to stay engaged through programs that allow them to mentor, serve, or support active-duty personnel and other retirees.
Community Engagement:
Facilitating events and communications that strengthen the bond between the retired and active Navy communities.

5905 34th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55450