Air Force Retiree Services: (800) 531-7502 www.retirees.af.mil
Arlington National Cemetery: (703) 607-8000 www.arlingtoncemetery.org
Armed Forces Retirement Home: (800) 422-9988 www.afrh.gov
Army & Air Force Exchange Service: (214) 312-2011 www.aafes.com
Army Retired Services: (703) 571-7232 https://soldierforlife.army.mil/retirement
Burial at Sea Information: (866) 787-0081
Combat Related Special Compensation: www.va.gov/resources/combat-related-special-compensationcrsc/
DEERS: (800)-538-9552, Fax: (831) 655-8317 www.tricare.mil/deers
Defense Commissary Agency: www.commissaries.com
DFAS Casualty Assistance Branch: (800) 321-1080 or (216) 522-5955 (For Reporting a Retiree’s death, option #1)
Fleet Reserve Association: (703) 683-1400 www.fra.org
Gulf War homepage: www.gulflink.osd.mil
I.D. Cards Benefits and Eligibility: (866) 827-5672 www.usa.gov/military-id
Internal Revenue Service: (800) 829-1040 www.irs.gov
Marine Corps Retired Affairs: (800) 336-4649 www.usmc.mil (Hover over “Marine Services” then click on “Retired Services”)
Military Resources
Veteran Resources
Medicare: (800) 633-4227. TTY: (877) 486-2048 www.medicare.gov
Military Officers Assoc. of America: (800) 234-6622 www.moaa.org
National Burial Services: (800) 697-6940
Naval Historical Center: (202) 433-2210 www.history.navy.mil
Navy Reserve Personnel Management (PERS 9): (866) 827-5672
Navy Casualty Assistance: (800) 368-3202 After duty hours call (901) 634-9279 for Casualty Watch Officer
Navy Retired Activities: (833) 330-6622 Email: MILL_RetiredActivities@navy.mil
Navy Uniform Shop: (800) 368-4088 www.navy-nex.com/uniform
Report the Death of a Retiree: (800) 321-1080
Reserve Component SBP: (866) 827-5672 ask for PERS-912
Retiree Dental — Delta Dental: (888) 838-8737 www.trdp.org
Sailor For Life: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Media-Center/Publications/Sailor-for-Life/
Servicemembers Group Insurance (SGLI): (800) 419-1473 www.insurance.va.gov
Social Security Administration: (800) 772-1213 www.ssa.gov
Burial information: (800) 827-1000 www.cem.va.gov
GI Bill: (888) 442-4551 www.gibill.va.gov
Information, Tickets, Travel (MWR): http://navymwr.org/programs
Insurance: VA Regional Office and Insurance Center PO Box 7208 (claims inquiries) -ORPO Box 7327 (loans) -ORPO Box 7787 (payments) Philadelphia PA 19101 (800) 669-8477 www.insurance.va.gov
Navy Gateway Inns & Suites: http://dodlodging.net
Navy Recreation: www.navymwr.org
Records: For replacement DD 214s, service records, medical records, award information:
Retired prior to 1995: www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records
Retired after 1995: Navy Personnel Command PERS-312E 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055-3120 Fax requests to: (901) 874-2664 Gray-area reservists: (866) 827-5672
Pay/SBP Questions: www.dfas.mil Pay inquiries and update of pay or SBP records in case of death, divorce or remarriage: Retiree Defense Finance and Accounting Service U.S. Military Retirement Pay 8899 E 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46249-1200 (800) 321-1080 / Fax: (800) 469-6559.
SBP/RSFPP annuitant: Defense Finance and Accounting Service U.S. Military Annuitant Pay 8899 E 56th Street Indianapolis IN 46249-1300 (800) 321-1080 / (800) 469-6559
TRICARE: www.mytricare.com/mtc
TRICARE East: www.humanamilitary.com/beneficiary AL, AR, CT, DC, DE, IL, IN, KY, FL, GA, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN (except 35 Western zips), TX (except the extreme Western area) VT, VA, WI, and WV
TRICARE West: www.triwest.com AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IA (except 82 zips near Rock Island), KS, MO (except St. Louis area), MN, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, OR, DE, SW TX, UT, WA, WY some zips in IA, MO, TN
TRICARE Overseas: (888) 777-8343 www.tricare-overseas.com
TRICARE For Life: (866) 773-0404 www.tricare.mil/tfl
TRICARE mail order pharmacy: (877) 363-1303 www.tricare.mil/pharmacy, www.express-scripts.com
VA: www.va.gov Regional offices: (800) 827-1000 (overseas retirees should contact the American Embassy/consulate), TDD (800) 829- 4833
Air Force Afterburner: https://www.retirees.af.mil/library/afterburner/
Army Echoes: https://soldierforlife.army.mil/retirement/echoes
Coast Guard Evening Colors: www.uscg.mil/hq/cg1/psc/ras
Marine Corps’ Semper Fidelis: https://www.hqmc.marines.mil/Agencies/Manpower-ReserveAffairs-MMSR-6/
Military History & Human Interest Stories
Kate Smith introduces "God Bless America"
James Melville Gilliss library, U.S. Naval Observatory
5905 34th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55450